Hesikiah Jones
Lord Buckley - Bob Dylan

This is the story of Hezikiah Jones.
Hezikiah Jones lived in a place in Arkansas
He never had too much, except he had some land
And he had a couple of hogs and things like that
He never had much money, but he spent what he did make
As fast as he made it, so it never really mattered
That he had much money

But, in the cupboard there ... he kept in the cupboard books
He called up the books his ‘rainy season’

The white folks around the country there
Talked about Hezikiah Jones, they said: oh well
Well, ol’ Hez., he’s harmless enough
But the wan I see it
He, uh, better put down them goddamn books
Readin’ ain’t no good for an ignorant nigger

One day, uh, the white man’s preacher came around
Knockin’ on doors, knockin’ on all doors in the county
He knocked on Hez’s door and
He says: Hez., you believe in Lord?
Hez. says: Well, I don’t know
I’ve never really seen the Lord, I can’t say as I do...
He says: Hez., you believe in the church?
Hez. says: I’m just like them
Well, the church is divided, ain’t they?
They can’t make up their minds. I can’t make up mine either

He said: Hez., You believe that if a man isn’t good
That heaven is last reward?
Hez. says: I’m good..., good as my neighbor

You don’t believe in nothing! said the white man’s preacher
You don’t believe in nothing!

Oh, yes, I do, says Hez.: I believe that
A man should be indebted to his neighbor
Not for the reward of heaven or fear of hell fire

But you don’t understand! said the white man’s preacher
There’s a lot of good way for a man to be wicked

And he hung Hez. as high as a pigeon
White folks around there said:
Well, he had it comin’ cause the son of a bitch never had no religion

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