Honkytonk Asshole
Baxter Black

I hang out in bars, bother the dollies
Speak when I'm not spoken to
Bum cigarettes, flirt with the waitress
Wearing a mirror on my shoe
I sing all the songs along with the jukebox
Tell jokes that ev'ryone's heard
Then late in the evening the bartender calls me
I've never forgotten his words

  Honkytonk asshole, I'm talking to you
  I've told you and told you
  But there's no getting through
  You're bad for my business, you bother and bore
  Honkytonk asshole, get your ass out the door

I write on the walls, throw butts on the floor
Brag about horses I've rode
Dance with a darlin' and step on her feet
They think I'm one brick shy a load
But I do right well feelin' up dollies
Tellin' my stories out loud
Until that bartender figures me out
And calls to me over the crowd

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