Buddy Bolden's Blues
Jelly Roll Morton - also by Ari Eisinger

Thought I heard buddy Bolden say
You're nasty, you're dirty, take it away
You're terrible, you're awful, take it away
I thought I heard him say

Thought I heard buddy Bolden shout
Open up that window, let that bear there out
I said: open up that window, let that foul air out
'Cause I thought I heard buddy Bolden say

Thought I heard Georg Fogerty say
Thirty days in a lock off, take him away
Gotta get him a good  ......., take him away
I thought I heard him say

Thought I heard Frankie Dewson shout
Gal, give me that money, I'm gonna beat it out
I said: Gimmy that money as I explained
'Cause I thought Frankie Dewson say

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